Posted Saturday, December 27, 2014 | By: Popzone | Posted in  Photos , Social News | Read 4603
Preah Sihanouk Ville (FN), March 10 – A journey ship, Sun Princess, with 2,000 multi-national vacationers docked at Sihanoukville seaport at 7:00 A.M at the beginning of today of March 10, for a meeting reason, as indicated by Col. Sieng Leng, Chief of Sihanoukville Autonomous Port police.

The cop included that the boat had a sum of 1,975 vacationers going to play a part with 16 unique nationalities, and a team of 867 with 42 nationalities. The voyage originated from Vietnam and was en route to Thailand at 4:00 P.M tonight.
While number of travelers coming to visit Sihanoukville is on the expansion, the seaport city is as yet confronting numerous difficulties that will must be tended to. They incorporate ecological contamination coming about because of poor private cleaning administrations, absence of street lighting, security, HR in tourism division, absence of person on foot way or too little or inadequate walkways and high administration expenses amid occasion seasons, said Nou Sophal, Director of Sihanouk Ville's Department of Tourism.
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